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Relief as Customs hierarchy stops officers from issuing indiscriminate alerts on transactions

Relief as Customs hierarchy stops officers from issuing indiscriminate alerts on transactions

The management of the Nigeria Customs Service (NCS).has expressed dismay over indiscriminate intervention alerts by Customs Area commands and units on cargoes already cleared from the ports

In a circular signed by the Deputy Comptroller General of Customs, Tariff and Trade, HK Gummi, such interventions are against harmonised, simplified clearance procedure and hinderancr to the facilitation of legitimate trade.

The service however warned the commands and units direct any findings or observations on any transaction(s) that requires an intervention alert to the office of the Deputy Comptroller-General (Tariff and Trade)

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“The Headquarters has observed with dismay the indiscriminate intervention alert by Area Commands and Units which is contrary to the harmonized, simplified clearance procedure and hindrance to the facilitation of legitimate trade.

“Consequent to the above, you are directed to send any findings or observations on any transaction(s) that requires an intervention alert to the office of the Deputy Comptroller-General (Tariff and Trade).

“Ensure strict compliance and wide circulation, please.”

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